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Everly, Newborn in-home session

christi stoner • January 22, 2020

Sweet baby Everly kept everyone in great anticipation as she made us all wait longer then expected for her arrival. But her family would all agree, she was worth the wait!

Everly’s birth gave Sophia the sudden promotion to big sister. At only 18 months apart, I have a feeling that they will be best friends as they grow up.

Doing a newborn photo session with a 18 month old is a fun challenge. At this age, if you want smiles they must be genuine. If they don’t feel like smiling, they don’t. Its one thing about that age that makes them so fun. You know if you get a smile from them that it is the real deal, their joy is not fake or forced.

At this age they can often be convinced to follow instructions by using some sort of incentive. In other words, I am not at all against the idea of what some call “bribing”! I prefer to say, you reward them. Break out the candy or stickers, what ever works. Make if fun for the little ones, reward them.

Sophia did so great, but as the session progressed, we eventually started to get cues that she was done. She still had some energy left but she didn’t feel like spending it on being in photos. This is when you break out the rewards, before there is a melt down. You will not believe what mom discovered to be a great incentive, hand sanitizer foam! It made us all laugh, but it worked.

We really wanted to get some photos of just the two girls and the promise of that foam pumped into her hand, kept her coming back to give more kisses. You know your kids, you know what works! Make it fun.

Once we got what we needed with Sophia in the photos she got to be done and go play. This is another reason I love in-home lifestyle sessions. I was able to move forward with just mom and baby while dad occupied the toddler. When it was dad’s turn, they switched roles. It works so well.

Isn’t that velvet bow so darling!? I contacted a “small shop” owned by a mom who makes velvet bows like this one. She so graciously agreed to give you all a discount code for her etsy shop. If you are looking for bows, and want to support a momma in the process, click this link ! Use code THANKYOU10 at checkout.

And no photo shoot would be complete without photos of mom and dad together with baby!

I also like to try to sneak in a quick photo of just mom and dad. I believe the love they have for each other is the reason this baby is here. And for their little girls to continue to feel safe and secure, those babes need to see mom and dad still loving each other.

To all you soon-to-be parents or new parents, let me tell you, parenting is a good work, but it’s a hard work. Loving your spouse in the midst of the exhausting parenting years is really important. To remember that your spouse is on your team and not against you, it matters. So don’t forget to love each other. Daily take time for a long kiss and talk about how you experienced your day. Your kids need you to invest in each other, and you need it too.

Big thanks to Cameron and Victoria for inviting me into their home. It was an honor to meet their sweet little girls and to capture these moments of their love as a family unit. They made my job easy with their relaxed attitude and cheerful spirits.

Are you located in the Lancaster, Pa area? Are you pregnant? Looking to do a fun relaxed session with your family? Want to read more about doing a session with Christi Stoner Photography? Click here.

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